
Carrying it with me...

I found this today while perusing one of my daily reads. It was a post addressed to graduates, especially English graduates. Perfect for me. Because I'm at another point where I'm frustrated and confused about my life (and my English degree). But what else is new? Anywho. This is just a tiny snippet from the entire piece. You should click that link ^ and read the whole thing. Do it. Do it now. 

I hope you will be surprised and knowing at once. I hope you’ll always have love. I hope you’ll have days of ease and a good sense of humor. I hope one of you really will bake me a pie (banana cream, please). I hope when people ask what you’re going to do with your English and/or creative writing degree you’ll say: Continue my bookish examination of the contradictions and complexities of human motivation and desire;or maybe just: Carry it with me, as I do everything that matters. And then smile very serenely until they say oh.

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